Friday, February 13, 2015

Adventures of my first Pregnancy so far....

We made it through my 1st trimester! It was hard! 
I wasn't in the spirit for much.
Not only was I feeling sick to my stomach, and couldn't handle any types of smells.
I was sturggling emotionally. 
It was hard to not have energry to get up out of bed and do what I wanted.
I was getting depressed from puking randomly or having to lay down in the morning until I felt well enough to get up. 
Working was hard everything smelt bad and my stomach was upset a lot as I was trying not to puke.

The end of the semester I started not going a lot because I had early morning classes. It was too difficult to get up in time what so ever. My body couldn't handle that. 
However, I had some good understanding professors and friends who helped me out when I missed, and it ended up being one of the best semesters yet. I earned some good grades I am pretty proud of! Even an A! Its so hard for me to get an A in college. 


Thanksgiving came and went with me picking at what I could eat and not cooking anything. Cooking didn't do well with my stomach. I ended up eating out a lot my 1st trimester because I could only eat what sounded good at the time. The kitchen was not a fun place for me anymore. That was really hard. I love cooking. I wanted to be decorating cakes and making meals. 

December came and I was 12 weeks on my 22 birthday!! 
I spent it with my family, the people I love most and wouldn't have it any other way!
We were getting really excited because my next appointment I would 16 weeks and we would be able to find out the gender of our little Angel! 

In between the semester ending and Christmas poor Brent had to have surgery. It really sucked staying at the hospital with him while I was pregnant. I couldn't eat anything there and I was getting pretty sick there. Brent is always so great though! He hated not being able to fully take care of me while he was out him self. He was down for a couple of weeks and some days we would just lay in bed all day together neither one of us feeling well. 

Christmas was great this year! I was feeling alright and super excited! Brent and I second Christmas together! I love the holiday season. Everyone is a little kinder in the world. I wish it could be like that all year long! 

Christmas is one of my favorite days, for two years ago Brent asked me to marry him Christmas night! One of the best Christmas presents I will ever receive! Love him so much! 

On New Years Day we had my appointment and got to find out the gender! 

A little boy!! 
It's A BOY!!!!!
Brent was way trilled, as the Dr. asked me if I knew what I was looking at and I replied oh a boy!, he gasped in delight! 
It was our little
James Val Cowley! 

Oh how I cannot wait for June to be here to meeting our little guy! 
I am too excited for the times to come as we raise James! 

My gut had started to stick out by this time. No more sucking in for me! I was still getting sick but it was fewer and fewer times that I was reaching for my Zofran medicine to get me through the day. I was happy that some days I didn't have to take it. 
Sleep became a thing from the past though. And growing pains were starting. 

A good friend of mine gave me a book that seems to have saved me! Got me out of my rut about worrying my head off and not being able to enjoy my pregnancy. It got me out of the rut of feeling bad for being in bed a lot sick. 
It's called The Gift of Giving Life: Rediscovering the Divine Nature of Pregnancy and Birth
I highly recommend it to any body expecting, or any mom! It brought my spirits up and back to life! I read it with my scriptures close by so that I can reference to my scriptures and mark them up along with passages in the book! 
Along with that book I am of course reading What to Expect When Expecting, that book is probably a must when pregnant to inform you so much of most every detail your going to be needing to know about. 
So I have my information book and my spiritual book to keep me sane. 

19 weeks and the bump is coming! 
Best thing of all at this point I had been sick for two weeks!!! 
Oh how I was so excited! Thank you second trimester! 
Cooking actually sounded fun again! I could be in the kitchen and not get sick over everything! 
Work is still hard with smells, but at least I wasn't holding back puking. I am trying not to lift much either there, its extra hard to avoid. 
At first I wasn't making it through church a lot of the times specially in November and December so I was so glad to be able to make it through all of church again! 

I wasn't fitting into my pants anymore and had to get myself some maternity cloths. My wardrobe is slowly narrowing to the small amount of things I can wear. 
But wow half way! I have made it half way! 
I can't wait for the rest of the half to come! 
I don't know how my stomach can get much bigger though my skin is feeling stretched to the limit! 
I seem to be more emotional from my hormones though is trimester. But at least I am not depressed from being sick and in bed all day. 

Now that we know what we are having we are able to get ready for the little guy more! Both of our moms are excited to become grandparents for the first times! My sister is way excited too! My mom and sister have been buying a lot of things for him! Slowly gathering up all the things that we will be needing for the next year is fun! 

Brent and I are going full time this semester again! I knew it would be hard being pregnant and I can't believe I talked myself into going full time after last semester. 
But so far so good. Praying hard I finish strong just like last semester! If I could do it then sick, I can do it now! 

My pregnancy brain is a mess though! That is the hardest part this semester! Wow it is so real how forgetful I am!! I can notice a big difference, I thought I was forgetful before hand, no way. I got myself a weekly calender so I could stop forgetting about my quizzes, but I still forget things. My brain just seems fried. It feels like school is all I do night and day, and honestly that's not the whole truth. 
I am praying a lot that the end comes soon though! The end of April is when the semester ends so I will have May to finish up the details of getting ready for James! This May we will have been married two years now, and waiting mere couple of weeks for James!! 
What an exciting time in our life! 

For now I am going to date my amazing husband (I could write a whole post about how amazing he is so for now I wont go into that detail) tomorrow on Valentines day and enjoy my 22 week of being pregnant! Even with the hard bumps we face! 

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