Friday, January 25, 2013

Wedding Plans!

I can't believe the details that go into planning a wedding.. I've never done this before or even had some one super close to me marry with me involved. I guess with being the oldest I get to experience everything first right? It has kind of already been overwhelming trying to figure everything out, even though I still have 4 months until the best day of my life!

Fiance CHECK
Temple CHECK
Receptions Center CHECK
everything else EMPTY BOX
I have been wedding dress shopping around and I have found things that are pretty and cute and I like it but, its not The One... ya know? I hope I find something affordable that is just what is meant for me to wear on my wedding day. I don't want to be discouraged... so far all I get is very hot temperature and static hair. I come close to feeling like a daughter of a king in a white modest dress. 
Holy cow lets talk about the costs.... $Expensive$ is an understatement. I thought tampons were expensive... People in the wedding business make some good money. Why does it have to be so expensive to throw a gathering to unite me and my Husband to be forever?!
It doesn't just happen like you think it does in your dreams as a little girl. 
I am trying to focus on being relaxed about it to enjoy this time as a fiancee  I only get to plan my wedding once. However, I also get to only have that day once too. I would love for my in vision to come to life. Trying to explain your in vision though to others trying to help you out is a different story...
I want it outdoors and an outdoor theme however I don't want it to seem like you are camping (no matter how much I love that) I still want it to feel like my wedding day to have everything just calm and peaceful and natural the feeling I get being outdoors or another one of my favorite places, next to my fiance. So natural is a great word for theme, but not complete whole organic type.
I guess maybe like a meadow lots of wildflowers, flowing, peaceful, outdoors, fresh air. It brings a smile to your face doesn't? That's what I want so how do I make that happen is the question? Because I also want it to represent me and my fiance and who we are together. I love purple so that needs to be my color so I go straight to lavender because that is natural but, which shade of lavender do I choice? Them all? will it work and blend right with the natural flowing scene? 
All I know is I can not wait to be with Brent forever! With The Lord as our 3rd wheel we will have a perfect day to unite together as Mr. and Mrs. I have the most important part CHECKED off the Temple and Fiance and that is what truly matters to me. May 30th will be a day I will never forget for eternity! 

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