Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Music in the Air

Since I have talked about books, and shows maybe it's time I share about my music interest.
My number one favorite band is The Beatles.
I have a story as to why that is and the very first time I had learned about them. I was at my grandparents house during one of my very many sleep overs. In their spare bedroom hanging above the closet was this picture I have shown you of The Beatles. (which has now become my favorite picture of them) I asked my grandpa who the picture was of and he told me about George, John, Paul and Ringo the rock stars of his age. He told me about the love him and my grandma had for them as a teenager while they were big. From that moment on I have loved them since. It wasn't just because I wanted to be like my grandparents, people I looked up to,  it was also because of the music. Not a song that I don't love and sing every word along too.
I enjoy listening to some popular oldies, country, 80's, indie, alternative, rock, pop and some others.
Some bands and singers that I really enjoy now and in the past besides my most favorite, The Beatles, are;
Avril Lavigne
Bon Jovi
Mercy River
Carrie Underwood
Death Cab for Cutie
George Strait
Depche Mode
 and etc etc etc
It's not just about the bands and singers for me though. It is about the sound and lyrics of a song. The notes that ring from different instruments and the feeling and meaning I get from the sound waves flowing through my ears. My favorite songs are collections from many different groups. I may love a song but, it doesn't mean I love artist.
I love different songs and the way they make me feel and the things they make me think about.

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