Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Birth of James

Monday morning, June 22nd, two days after my due date had passed I woke up not feeling well very achy and nauseous. I kept going to the bathroom wondering if I had the flu.
This was all around 10am. I didn't know if I was in labor or not. I just felt sick. 
It kind of would be more intense sometimes, but it was hard to tell if I was having a contraction or not. We called a nurse who said we should probably just go into the hospital. 
I called my mom to let her know we were headed there at about 1pm ish.  I arrived at the hospital and I wasn't for sure I was in labor I almost told Brent to take me home because I would be embarrassed if I really wasn't. I sat in the car another twenty minutes or so, I kept telling him I just had the flu. It was a sick achy feeling. I wasn't in a ton of pain, and everyone told me I wouldn't be able to walk and talk through my contractions when they were consistent.
Finally, Brent talked me into just getting checked out. I walked up to the labor and delivery still in my pjs. The nurse was shocked that I was dilated to a 6+ and soon as I was checked again an 8! I was going to go fast they kept telling me, The nurse was awesome and I asked her if she could come with me to be my actual nurse for my delivery. She called my midwife who was on the way. She kept encouraging me to go natural and I wanted to because it wasn't that bad at all  of contractions, but something was telling me I would want the epidural for latter so I hurried and got one while I could. That was worse then the contractions! Felt like fireworks popping in me. I am pretty sure I clawed that awesome nurse of mine.
By the time my midwife got there and they were done giving me the epidural, I was a 10 and time to start pushing. The epidural was not bad I could still feel everything just without pain I was surprised that pushing wasn't too bad. But then the clock started to keep passing without a baby crowning. Three hours I was pushing like this. I was surprised and scared as to what that meant. I over heard the midwife say that he was posterior. I knew what that meant saying oh no what now... By this time the epidural was wearing off since we had turned it off a long time ago thinking the baby was going to come fast. 
My midwife called in a Dr to do a vacuum and it got really intense fast. The vacuum was extremely painful. The Dr wasn't very nice telling me I had a small pelvis he wouldn't fit and my uterus was wimpy. As I pushed with a vacuum and a worn off epidural  I felt like he gave up on me from the get go he threw his gloves off saying I was to have a c section. I was bawling at this point specially since he called my uterus wimpy lol. Told him no I wasn't having a c section I could do it. He left and I told my midwife I just needed to calm down. She let me rest a little threw some contractions and turned my epidural back on. 
She came back with my awesome new nurses and I was extremely ready to mad push that baby out we were not having a c section. 
Almost 5 hours of pushing I finally got him out posterior at 8:52pm. We were all surprised he was 9lbs 4oz 21inches! But with him being so big, and posterior I tore bad. A painful 3rd degree tear all the way through. 
It was awesome though having my hard work pay off and having him after all that! Brent and I just scooped him up wet and all as soon as he came out. I was thankful I listened though and got an epidural with that tear and everything at the end. Brent was awesome the loudest person in the room cheering me on, holding my leg and helping the midwife he was loving it. We both were crying a little. James was very alert and quite as soon as he was laying on my warm skin. Staring up at his mom and dad he had just met. 
The Dr had to come back to sew me up and it took him almost an hour.  I loved my labor and delivery nurses they were great with me so positive and getting me water as soon as I had the baby. I could feel the spirit in that room. We were praying through the whole experience. 
Overall it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I didn't feel much pain. I remained calm and positive. My worries and fears were washed away with our prayers. 


It's summer here in the Northern Hemisphere!

It's not like the summers I've known before at all.
This summer on June 22nd I gave birth to our first baby! Our son James Val Cowley! We are trilled to be parents and finally have him in our life's
It sure is a change though. I am not going to lie either it's been hard adjusting. Labor and delivery wasn't an easy one but a lot better then I was expecting. I tried hard to breast feed, but with anxiety, not getting my milk in, and an infection it didn't work out sadly. That first two weeks I cried a lot. 
He is now a month old and I am starting to get the hang of it all. 
It's like having heaven in our home! 
I've been thinking a lot about my blog but, it's hard enough finding time for a shower these days! 
Time with him is precious and exhausting so many emotions all at once! 
I am still me though just me as a mom! 
And one thing you know I love is to cook!
It's been a struggle trying to make myself something to eat for dinner. That's the time Brent works and with a little guy in my arms I've been eating a lot of quick meals. 
However, I've always wanted to cook my way through a cook book and blog about it. So that's exactly what I will be doing! Motivating myself to write and cook all at the same time!
Why not do it to my all time favorite cook book! 

This book was made by Brent and my ward when we were just little back in 2000. It's compiled of hundreds of tired and true recipes from a range of aged women! It's my go to recipe book with everything in it I would cook in my kitchen! 
So between my posts of our adventures I will be adding posts of the adventures in my kitchen! 
I hope you guys follow a long and test out some of the recipes! 
I would love to hear about how they turn out in your own kitchen!