Sunday, November 9, 2014

A Baby!?!

I haven't written on my blog in a little while. 
Other things have been on my mind like....
Yup were pregnant! 

Its been a whirlwind of emotions!
I am still trying to grasp it in. 
I have been sick. Not fun. I don't have any energy and its hard to get things done. School being one of those things make it extra hard to do anything. I can barely make it to class let alone stay up to do homework after work. 
But I am doing it.
I had my first Dr. visit last week.
Brent loved it!
He will be a great dad! I can't wait for it! 

Baby is so small right now. Like a little raspberry. Moving around but I can't feel it. A big heart beat that I just love! 
We have a baby developing its needs for the world to come! 

I am excited for our family to grow! To provide love and safety!