We have moved to VanBuren!
We are so excited about this move! We are in a basement of the house of my visiting teacher, with her husband and two little boys. They are so good to us. It is a great situation. We are so blessed to be here! It is everything we need at this point in our lives! I took pride and joy into decorating it as we unpacked.

This month of April after the move we enjoyed General Conference weekend. Made lots of yummy food! A Brazilian meal and treats for the weekend! We have been enjoying the sunshine and spring flowers, and rain storms. April showers bring May flowers!
This week and next we are stressed to the max for finals week! I am trying and praying so hard to pass my last two math classes! When it happens I will have to post about my accomplishment because it will be! It has been a struggle and I have worked hard to be where I am!
I love Easter Sunday for I love my Savior and his atoning sacrifice that I may be cleansed and one day rise up as he did. The love I have for my Redeemer is overwhelming!
So thankful to be apart of His church here on Earth. To have Temples to do work of those wanting to come unto Him. So thankful for my covenants and that I may just endure to be with Him and my Heavenly Father once again. Along side my forever loving family. So thankful for the Holy Spirit to guide me and to fill my heart each day of happiness. So thankful to be able to kneel in prayer and offer up my whole heart to Him.
I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I know who I am. I know Gods plan.
I love filling our home with our testimony. I cannot wait to bring His children into our family to teach and love with the pure love of Him.
I am also glad that March is over... What hard memories. There is not a day that I do not think about my three Angels and the love that I have for them. I think about all that they have taught me a lot. They have helped me grow into the women I am and I love that! I love that I still see them in my life. The tears come and go depending on the mood. I only know that I miss them so much because I love them so much. The overwhelming that I have for the Savior I have for my family, the pure love of Christ.