I love to cook! I enjoy making some thing delicious, and I specially enjoy eating it!
Brent says that the color Red means confidence. Before he explained this too me I had chosen Red as my kitchen color. I have a red kitchen aid, red silverware, red plates and bowls, etc. I wanted my kitchen to be a fiesta. I love when a kitchen is the gathering point of a home!
I have considered culinary school. I have 3 years experience in a bakery. and I cake decorate from home and in a bakery.
I wanted to share with you some tips about my kitchen. Now that I have been in practice in own kitchen for a while now.
First: of all we don't have a dish washer.
Its not fun doing dishes. I am so good at dirtying them though.
I cannot focus or find clean things if the dishes are not done.
Brent and I take turns doing the dishes. He may actually do them more often then I do because he is so good at them haha.
So don't let them pile up too much. We try to do them first thing after dinner, but most of the time after dinner we like to talk and relax so we do them first thing in the morning.
Second: Making up your own recipes is really not that hard after you have been practicing recipes.
I love just seeing what is in the fridge and putting together a vegetable soup or a warm pasta with sauce. Take the ingredients you think would go good together and just make it!
You don't have to rely on a recipe all the time!
Third: After practicing with recipes I have learned that its really not that hard to make home made of anything!
I try my best to make up things that we could buy in a box or mix at the store.
This saves money! and it also is a whole lot better for you!
In boxes and ready to eat food at the store they use a lot of preservatives. Chemicals that we really shouldn't be taking in a whole ton, but we do.
I completely understand though that life happens and making every bread, and every ingredient all the time takes a lot of time. While I am going to school and working full time I don't home make everything I want to be. I try though.
Fourth: I wish that from the start that I had started making a list of things that I have made.
Specially of the things that I just kind of made up.
Now we remember that one time I made this super yummy thing and I have no clue how to make it again. I try sometimes and come up with something whole new.
So make a list of things you make. and then make a list of the things you loved and things you would never make again.
I have a photo album I have written down all of my favorite recipes and family recipes. I have divided it into sections and put taps on the side so that I can easily find them.
Fifth: I know that we all drool over the things we see on pinterest! I have hundreds of foods pinned to my board!
Now what you need to do is start making them!
I delete the things that I tried and didn't like. and I save the ones that I did to another board so that they can be an easily find when I want to make them again.
Also when their is a recipe that you love and know you would be making many times write it down and add it to your recipe book!
Sixth: you can substitute so many ingredients for other things. Like if you don't have eggs you can substitute them!
On those Sundays and you realize you forgot to buy something look up what else you could use!
Seventh: Make yourself aware of cooking talk! If you don't know what "cutting in shortening" is make sure you find out!
Eight: Cooking does not have to be a chore! If you make it fun then it is so very much rewarding when you sit down to something scrumptious to eat! Bake something that you have been craving! or bake or cook something your spouse has been craving!
Ninth: The crock pot can be your best friend! Specially if you are busy like we are! I will put food into the crock pot and get home from work or church and dinner is ready to be served! Stick what you want into or their are hundreds of recipes!
Tenth: Brent works nights and the first semester he did this it was so hard for me to want to cook for myself. I kept eating ready to eat things and junk.
This time around I made a plan and shared it with Brent.
I wanted us to eat good. I have a menu made up for the month and we go grocery shopping every month for everything we will need to make the menu. I cook most every night now and Brent gets to enjoy it the next day for his dinner. He packs it with him and it saves us a ton of money just by having a plan!