Its always exciting when I am able to work on wedding stuff. My mom has been a huge help organizing and putting everything together for me!
We got our marriage licence yesterday! Just have to sign that bad boy in a mere two weeks!
Sadly, Brent is not the best with directions. When we drive some where I back seat drive the whole time telling him where to go and what to do and get frustrated with him when it doesn't play out as I think it should...
I am not the most patient person, always been something I need to work on.
Of course he got a little turned around on our way to get the licence and I had to let him know of his mistakes. I felt terrible while walking in because, he felt dumb that I was even laughing at him! What kind of future wife am I?!
I for sure need to work on this. Specially since we are road tripping for our honey moon. I've always been good with directions and I love maps. Traveling it what I do!
So instead of telling him I am buying him a gps already set up for him. I should be calm and teach him. He says it would help if I wasn't so distracting. I can't help that he loves me so much! We love talking with one another! Communicating is our special-T! Driving in a car is suppose to be a prime time to talk and discuss with one another!
Even with my back seat driving. He still loves me! We forgive and forget until the next time were trying to get some where at least..
I think I should listen to myself and remember that getting there is half the fun and the journey to your destination is where you learn and grow. It not always about the destination at all!
This road I am starting with him will not be straight all the time. It will not always have a sign for us to follow. and the Speed limit changes a lot! We might have a canyon to get through or bump to go around. Or even a huge construction zone! Hopefully we wont be going through too much rush hour traffic! We will be able to meet people on the journey, see new things, learn a ton!, and grow closer and closer together! We are a team on this road to exaltation and we can't get there with out the other! We have our destination in sight, but it is all about what we do and how we do it to get there!